Wednesday, March 17, 2010

No Baby… Yet.

100319 Louisa Theo Fix (7) On Tuesday the 16th, we went to my doctor’s appointment hoping that I might be dilated enough to merit inducing. Took this picture (without makeup!) as we were racing out the door just in case I didn’t come back home pregnant.Days Before Shin 007But the doc said I wasn’t ready. Sigh. Since we weren’t going to the hospital, we kept our weekly tradition of going to Story Hour and brought Daddy along.Days Before Shin 003Of course we indulged in a little Chic-Fil-A afterwards…

And Daddy really pulled out all the stops by letting Rock ride the Carousel after lunch.Days Before Shin 021EditedThey say that walking brings on labor, so later that afternoon Rock and I walked Baby Addy over to the park.Days Before Shin 036Since no one else was at the playground and since I knew this was one of the last days I would be babying Rock, I let him push Baby Addy around on top of the play equipment. Something tells me this would be frowned upon with a real baby in a real stroller.Days Before Shin 033But he really really enjoyed it. Hopefully he’ll be this enthusiastic about pushing is sister someday.Days Before Shin 035 Pondering his future with Shin?Days Before Shin 043Edited Then on the 17th, Annie and Sophie and Clip came over and we took another loooonnnnng walk around the neighborhood and over to the park. Again, we were hoping that we could get labor to start. It didn’t... Until 12:30 Thursday morning!

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