Monday, August 8, 2011

Marta and Jono had a Rehearsal Dinner!

I've known Marta for her entire life. She is one of the youngest (Peter's younger, right?) kids in our Summer Fellowship group. She is too much fun. And she recently found herself a handsome British chap named Jono to marry.
Okay so you'll have to trust me here -- he's handsome. He is also too much fun. I was so excited to be able to attend their wedding (thanks Juju and Rocket for buying my ticket and Nana and Papa for helping Fix watch the wee ones!) in St. Louis on August 6th.
The night before the big day we all gathered in this awesome tent (which completely transformed the Douglass' driveway) for some....
REALLY yummy food...
Lots of witty banter with the Hudgens...
A few tears over the touching moments of our lives...
And a romping Ceilidh (pronounced "kay-leigh"), aka Irish (or was it Scottish?) square dancing. It was too much fun.

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