Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Skating with the Ladies!

Recently, I took an afternoon off from watching Rock (Fix looked after him) to go skate with Becky (top right), Amelie (bottom left), Violet (bottom right) and Nancy (in picture below).
Now it's time to be impressed. AMELIE look this picture of us! I can't believe how well centered it is!
This was Violet's first time ice skating and after one time around the rink she discovered that she liked being held by mommy a little more than skating.
Amelie, having already had a few lessons, was a seasoned pro.
Watch out ladies - it looks like there is a speed skater on your heels!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Thanks for that first picture of Violet! Duncan and I laughed and laughed upon seeing it! I need to get these pictures from you at some point!!