Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Spring Day

WARNING: There are far too many pictures in this Monday Funday post!
While Louisa rocked away (one of her favorite activities these days)...
Fix and I packed up a lunch and Rock took pictures.
Then we took a (longer than expected) walk to Fox Hill Park. I think Louisa was a bit peeved she had to wait so long for her lunch.
After a yummy lunch of PBHs (that's peanut butter and honey) and Terra chips, we let Rock take a few more pictures of mom and dad.
The best one head on.
But I like our kissy-face shot the best.
I know we're only half way through, but I think this might be the official "Fix Picture of the Year." He was so cute to hold her hand while they walked up and down the hill!
The obligatory bridge shot.
(Little) Lady (and Father) in Red
We have been listening to "The House at Pooh Corner" book on CD so Rock wanted to play a few games of Pooh Sticks. We each won a round or two.
And finally we got to our ultimate destination: the park at Fox Hill Park. Rock wanted to practice his new pumping skills. But after all that walking and eating and Pooh-sticking, we were tired. We didn't play for long before it was time to start the trek home.
Someone fell asleep right away.
So we laid her down in the wagon next to Rock.
He then pronounced that he was tired too. So we said he could lay down too.
Amazingly, they both slept! Each time I look at her arm around his, I melt.
Precious babies. Speaking of babies... read my next post.


Susanna said...

Oh my goodness...what could be coming in the next post!?!?! Btw, I L.O.V.E. the new header. It's awesome.

Elizabeth said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post. There is so much to comment on! Yay for Pooh Sticks. Rock with the hat and his sandwich cracks me up, he looks British professor/philosopher or something. Also, what a good big brother the way he is holding her hand there walking. I can never get enough of seeing my "little bro" with his baby girl and that one of him holding her asleep just about kills me. But I'm there with you, the ones of the two kids in the wagon with their arms entwined and with Rock's arm protectively covering his little sister, definitely melters. All to say, I'll be coming back to linger over these pictures many times in the days, months and even years ahead, I'm sure.

Lynn said...

Seriously?!? The two of them snuggling in the wagon is just ridiculous. And the holding hands one...OMGoodness! Have I mentioned lately that I love your kids?