Thursday, August 12, 2010

Trip to Florida: Driving There

When I agreed to drive to Florida with my mom, Rock, and Louisa, I was a bit worried that we'd be stuck in the car with two very sad kids.
But Rock and Louisa were excellent travelers. We filled the first day by eating lunch at Chick-fil-A, passing South of the Border, and looking at rainbow that appeared outside our car window. Trust me, it's there.
Louisa fussed some, but was also pretty well behaved (and easily distracted by anything that made noise or was teethable).
She also sat really still so I could do a few infant portraits.
Rock picked a lot of fun of things to do on the road. He colored, stamped, and stickered paper, watched a few movies on Juju's DVD player, read books, sang songs and entertained himself for much of the drive.
Finally, we arrived at the Barnetts (Uncle Kelly's parents) house in Jacksonville, FL. Although their grandparent names are Poppy and Nana, Rock started calling them Poppy and Barnett and the name stuck. Sorry Carolyn, you will now be known by your last name.
It was so great to have room to stretch out.
And play with Tigger and Pooh and all their fun cars. After we spent the night, the ladies went shopping while Rock and Poppy washed our car (and ate pancakes for breakfast and lunch). Then we drove on to Orlando to meet up with Kelly and Bethany and Addy.

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