Friday, December 31, 2010

Mall Rides

Someone is very happy to be a big girl -- riding on the mall rides with...
Rock and Adeline...
And of course Camille.
We love going to story hour, eating lunch and riding rides with these ladies!
And it was an extra treat to have Zuni along at Christmastime!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Walking Girl

With this new toy from Rocket and Juju, Louisa will be walking in no time!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Holiday Monday

Watch out and guard those pretzels boy!
The crazies are about to descend!!!
We gathered together with the Hathaways, Rabenhorsts and Brockmans for Monday Night Dinner while Zuni was home.
With all these cuties running around, it's always a crazy fun time!
Rock and Clip - the craziest of the crazies!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


A Cars garage...
A Lightning McQueen helmet (and a new scooter to go with it!)...
Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter...
AND a new GATE LOCK?!?! You could say that Brockmas was a SMASHING success!
**Please note, we do love our daughter and are happy to take pictures of her. But once again, Louisa was asleep for the gift-opening festivities.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Black Teddy Bear

Mission Black Teddy Bear....
Accomplished! A BIG thank you to Juju for braving the crowds on Christmas Eve to get a black teddy bear for Rock. He is so happy to have a teddy bear in his favorite color and we are happy to have his new friend "Babby" in our home.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Dinner

Christmas evening we gathered for a very yummy meal. We enjoyed a very special Hidden Orange Christmas Pudding brought all the way from England.
Well, maybe 'enjoyed' is too strong a word.
After all the wonderful gifts she got, Louisa was happiest holding her favorite food, Probiotic Oatmeal! YUM!
Once again, Merry Christmas to ALL!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fixmas Christmas Morning!

Hello! It's Fixmas Christmas morning!!!
Fixmas starts with opening stockings. Rock got some really cool Playmobil and...
Louisa got a beautiful headband. Which she wore for all of three seconds.
She also helped her Daddy open his stocking -- a task which exhausted her so much she went down for a nap.
Which is a shame, because after she left Santa showed up. Although he snuck outside and entered from the front door, both boys figured out that Santa was Papa in a relatively short amount of time.
If only Lou had been there -- she would have loved that beard!
I know someone else who loves the beard too!
Although we were sad to see Santa go, it was fun to have the World's Greatest Papa there to open gifts with us.
My first gift was a new lens for my camera! YAY! Thanks hubby! You can appreciate how the pictures get better from this point on.
Well, not this one. But darn it if that boy doesn't look cute in his new 'chainmail.' He LOVED the sword and shield too.
Susi taking a picture of me taking a picture of Susi taking a picture of me taking a picture of Susi.
Caleb got quite an extensive collection of Playmobil.
His parents also got some new toys.
This guy is smiling 'cause he knows he got his wife a fantastic gift...
These plastic gloves. Which symbolize how he signed them up for a cleaning service!
This is me making a mental note to add 'cleaning service' to my wish list next year!After all our gifts were opened, Louisa woke up again. Which is a good thing because this whole stack of gifts was for her. I know, ridiculous.
As always, Rock was helpful in showing Louisa how these things work!
Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

You'll have to believe me when I say we aren't all wearing pink on Christmas Eve. When you sing in the Choir and your kids are crazy and needy (in a good way!) and your husband is busy with prepping and narrating the Christmas Eve program, you take whatever picture you get.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Carol by Rock

Rock sings his favorite Christmas carol, "The 12 Days of Christmas" In the style of John Denver and the Muppets of course.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

National Building Museum & National Christmas Tree

Finally Uncle Joe, Aunt Beth and Caleb arrived for Christmas!
We met them downtown for a yummy Thai lunch and then took them over to The Building Museum so Louisa could show off her crawling...
And her wobbling walking.
It took no time at all for Rock and Caleb to bond again. And find Cop and Construction Worker costumes to wear.
After playing in the kids Building Zone, Kerry, Louisa and I stayed in the atrium while most of the group went upstairs to the Lego exhibit. While the buildings were cool...
The REAL fun was the build-it-yourself table of thousands of Legos.
Rock's structure was multicolored...
While Fix's was all black and white.
Then, after a brief stop at Starbucks, we headed over to give our children frostbite see the National Christmas tree.
Once again, we picked the coldest night of the year to go and our children were appropriate miserable. Okay, we were ALL appropriately miserable.
Still, Louisa and I soldiered on and got a picture by the Maryland tree.
And Papa and Nana looked adorable by the big tree.
Then the man in red made his appearance. With a bagpipe. He rocked. We got a picture of the kids on his lap and then fled the freezing cold scene!