Sunday, May 11, 2008


Also on the docket for our last day was Rock's first trip to Encinitas and the Pacific Ocean. Well, his first trip to any ocean.
I miss the palm trees!
Even though he had to wear sunscreen, Rock smiled away on the beach -- he must take after his parents in their love for the California surf and sand.
Here are Rock's feet making their first contact with the sand.
And he was fascinated.
After he felt the sand on his toes, Rock didn't look up for a good 20 minutes.
It was all so very curious.
No time to smile at the camera Dad -- Rock had more important things to discover!
As usual, Rock loved taking a piggie back ride on Dad's shoulders.
Oh I cannot wait to get back to the beach this summer!!!
For now, we'll treasure these memories of Rock's first day at the beach.


Lynn said...

Thanks for sharing all the pics and stories from your trip. Glad you had such a nice time. Looks like a great day at the beach! Love those flaming shorts!

Stephanie said...

oh. my. goodness. that last picture is SO adorable!! Love it!!